About MagicVar in Dispatchers

MagicVar is a variable, that will be passed to dispatcher, if dispatcher contain special magic parametr. Name of this parametr can be setted with <magicVarForDispatcher> parametr, when you initialize server. By default it is "_connection". MagicVar will be passed like Object-Dict (you can access his attributes like <magicVar>[key] or like <magicVar>.key).

Example, how it's working by default.

def testDispatcher1(param1, param2, _connection=None):
   print 'IP:', _connection.ip
   if _connection.ip=='': return 'Hello, localhost!'
   else: return 'Hello, '+_connection.ip

server=flaskJSONRPCServer(("", 7001))
server.registerFunction(testDispatcher1, path='/api')

Example, how to change name of MagicVar.

def testDispatcher1(param1, param2, magicVar=None):
   print 'IP:', magicVar.ip
   if magicVar.ip=='': return 'Hello, localhost!'
   else: return 'Hello, '+magicVar.ip

server=flaskJSONRPCServer(("", 7001), magicVarForDispatcher='magicVar')
server.registerFunction(testDispatcher1, path='/api')

Object MagicVar, passed to dispatcher, will contain next attributes:

headers dict Request's headers.
cookies list Request's cookies.
ip str Request's IP (ip of client).
headersOut dict You can set headers, that will be passed to response.
cookiesOut list You can set cookies, that will be passed to response.
uniqueId str Unique identificator of request.
jsonp bool | str If this requests is JSONP fallback, the output format string passed here, otherwise False. You can change this for JSONP fallback requests.
mimeType str Request's MimeType. You can change this for setting MimeType of Response.
allowCompress bool Is compressing allowed for this request. You can change it for forcing compression.
server instance Link to server's instance.
serverName str Name of server.
servedBy set(isRawSocket, (ip | socketPath), (port | socket)) Info about server's adress. Usefull if you use multiple adresses for one server.
call object Some useful server's methods, you can call them. See this for more info
nativeThread bool Is this request and dispatcher executed in native python thread.
notify bool Is this request is Notify-request.
dispatcher func Link to dispatcher.
path str Server's path, that client used for sending request. Useful if you bind one dispatcher to different paths.
dispatcherName str Name of dispatcher, that passed with request. Useful if you bind one dispatcher to different names.
parallelType str Optional parametr. Can be passed by ExecBackend and contain name of it.
parallelPoolSize int Optional parametr. Can be passed by ExecBackend and contain size of exec's pool.
parallelId str Optional parametr. Can be passed by ExecBackend and contain identificator of process or thread, that processing this request.

Special attribute call contains some methods, specially prepared for using from dispatchers.

sleep(s, forceNative=False)

This method is wrapper above time.sleep() or gevent.sleep(). Method swithing automatically, if <forceNative> is False. If it's True, always use unpatched time.sleep(). Inherid from this method.
s float Delay in seconds.
forceNative bool

log(level, *args)

This method is wrapper for logger. First parametr <level> is optional, if it not setted, message is interpreted as "critical" and will be shown also if logging disabled. Inherid from this method.
level int Info-level of message. 0 is critical (and visible always), 1 is error, 2 is warning, 3 is info, 4 is debug. If is not number, it passed as first part of message.


This method locking current dispatcher. Inherid from this method.


This method unlocking current dispatcher.
If all server locked, you can unlock specific dispatcher by pass <exclusive> to True. Inherid from this method.
exclusive bool


This method wait while server (or specific <dispatcher>) locked or return locking status.
If <returnStatus> is True, method only return locking status.
If <returnStatus> is False, method cyclically call <sleepMethod> until server or <dispatcher> locked. If <sleepMethod> not passed, it will be automatically selected. Inherid from this method.
returnStatus bool

Optionally, some execution-backends can add another methods to call attribute.