Documentation Overview

Welcome to the flaskJSONRPCServer 0.9.2 documentation.

flaskJSONRPCServer was started as a simple, powerful and highload-ready JSON-RPC server. Main goals is power functionality, ability for serving many WSGI-apps and servers in one program, defence from dead-connections (in some cases clients don't correctly closes connections and this causes to locked file-descriptors) and high perfomance.

How to install

With pip

Latest stable build can be simply installed with pip.

pip install flaskJSONRPCServer


  1. Download the most recent tarball from the download page.
  2. Unpack the tarball.
  3. Run python install.

Note that the last command will automatically download and install setuptools if you don’t already have it installed. This requires a working Internet connection.

This will install flaskJSONRPCServer into your Python installation’s site-packages directory.

Installing the development version

  1. Install Git
  2. Run git clone git://
  3. Run cd flaskJSONRPCServer
  4. Run pip install --editable.


For production use strongly recommendet to install gevent backend and switch all servers to use it by passing <gevent> to constructor.

server=server=flaskJSONRPCServer(["", "8080"], gevent=True)

Quick start

Start using flaskJSONRPCServer is really simple!

First of all, you need ability to send json-rpc requests to server. You can do it with different ways, for example:

After this you can simply run one of examples, included to package.

python -m flaskJSONRPCServer -x
And send first request (for example {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "echo", "params": ['Hello world!'], "id": 1}).

Sources of all included examples can be finded here.